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About Me

I am a former and current business woman. I am a mother of four children and a wife to one gregarious man. Being a step-mom first, I was very naive about what it would be like once I birthed my son. When I married my husband, the youngest child was already about seven. Seven verses a new born… big difference. Before I was pregnant and during my pregnancy everyone kept telling me how wonderful it will be once my son arrived. After I had him, I am talking still in the hospital right after I had him, everyone and their mom started telling me their horror stories, and I started experiencing my own. I soon realized that it wasn’t the how-to books and baby manuals that helped me get through my days as a new mom, it was other moms’ horror stories. The more horrifying the story, the more it made me feel better (In an ‘I’m not the only one losing my mind’ kind of way). I decided to write a book that would give parents an honest look into parenthood, something that would prepare them for what it would be like having a baby/little one running around the house, and also give them a realistic view on what was about to happen to their bodies. I didn’t want it to be another how-to book. I wanted it to be entertaining, to make parents laugh at the peak of their chaos. This is the warning book I wish I had. As one reader called it: “a support group in a book.”
I hope you enjoy it!